Liberal Arts Computing Curricula

SIGCSE 2020 Pre-Symposium Event by the SIGCSE Committee on Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges

Liberal Arts Computing Curricula:
Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities

A pre-symposium event at SIGCSE 2020 organized by members of the SIGCSE Committee on Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges. This event will let us share and learn about curricular innovations, challenges, and opportunities particular to our liberal arts settings.

Event Agenda

Time Activity
1:30-1:45 Introductions, Agenda and Goals
1:45-2:10 One-Minute Curriculum Pitches
2:10-2:35 Curriculum (Un)Poster Session - Group A
2:35-3:00 Curriculum (Un)Poster Session - Group B
3:00-3:20 Break
3:20-3:30 Challenges and Opportunities Overview
3:30-3:50 Challenges and Opportunities Breakout A
3:50-4:10 Challenges and Opportunities Breakout B
4:10-4:30 Full Group Report Out and Identification of Emergent Themes
4:30-5:00 Optional Business meeting
Evening Optional dinner groups

Curriculum (Un)Poster Session

Those presenting curricula have been divided into two groups. Each group will be available for small group discussion of their curricula. If desired, presenters may use laptops, small posters (2’x3’ maximum), handouts, flyers, or other media of their choice. Presenters will have available a round table for 8 or a flat wall surface.

UPDATE: A star (*) indicates presenters who will not be in attendance. We may combine the A and B sessions depending on how many presenters and others are present.

Group A

Group B

Challenges and Opportunities Discussion

The submitted challenges and opportunities have been divided into six thematic groups with each group having two submissions. One submitter will lead the discussion for the first breakout and the other will lead the discussion for the second breakout.

UPDATE: A star (*) indicates presenters who will not be in attendance. We will seek alternate discussion leaders, combining the topics A & B at some tables.

Managing Growth

Computing for Non-Majors

Ethics and Information Literacy

Interdisciplinary Programs

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

Recruiting for Teacher Certification

Business meeting

The focus of our business meeting is planning next steps for the Committee on Computing Education in the Liberal Arts. Discussion will focus on the following topics. Where the Committee has previously solicited input on these topics, that information is provided as a starting point for discussion and we hope that we will also generate new ideas during this meeting.

The business meeting will be facilitated by Amanda Holland-Minkley, You may contact Amanda before or after the meeting with ideas to discuss or areas in which you would like to contribute.

  1. SIGCSE 2021 Pre-Symposium Event
    • Topics or Themes: What should be the focus of next year’s pre-symposium event?
    • Reflections on the Pre-Symposium Format: What worked well and what might be improved?
  2. Additional Committee Projects
    • Topics or Venues for Additional Workshops/Symposia
    • Opportunities for Virtual Meetings/Gatherings
    • Information and Resource Gathering Projects
    • Outreach Projects: Making Liberal Arts Computing More Visible
  3. Defining the Committee Structure
    • Models for a Permanent Organization
    • Fundraising for Committee Activities
    • Identifying Project Leaders

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