Innovations and Opportunities

SIGCSE 2021 Pre-Symposium Event by the SIGCSE Committee on Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges

Institution Name

Contributed by Name, Email address

Please limit your contribution to about two pages, or 700-1000 words.

Institutional and departmental context

_Expand here on any other contextual factors that have shaped your curriculum:

Curricular overview

Address any or all of the below as relevant.

Major program(s)

List and briefly describe required courses, as well as elective offerings.

Non-major program(s)

List and briefly describe minors, certificates, and courses open to non-majors.

Co-curricular program(s)

List and briefly describe non-credit-bearing opportunities for students.

Key contributions

What do you want us to learn from your curriculum? What may be adopted/adapted by others?


What challenges does your program face on which you might seek our advice? Or what limitations do you want us to know you are already aware of?