Birds of a Feather (BoF) Session
Materials from the SIGCSE 2025 Affiliated event are on the main page. This page is for notes from a related activity at SIGCSE 2025.
Consolidated notes for the Bof Session entitled: Towards a Computer Science Curriculum “Microkernel”
BoF group notes “Defining the Liberal Arts and/or Liberal Arts Computer Science”:
Why is this a top priority for the committee:
- We want to prepare students to have impact in a technically advanced world that is occupied by humans, communities and cultures.
- Creators need to:
- Think about “should we” not just “can we”.
- Understand that users are people.
- Do more than implement specifications.
- Embody a civic engagement mindset.
- Recognize that technology is an amplifier.
- Approach their work ethically and with humility (avoid “White Knighting”)
- Anticipate and mitigate unintended consequences.
What can the committee or we as a community do to catalyze this work:
- Be intentional about teaching and communicating to students why the above items are a priority for their learning as a liberally educated technologist / Computer Scientist.
- Create / Curate / Disseminate materials that:
- Infuse this type of thinking across the curriculum.
- E.g. The Embedded Ethics materials from Harvard
- Add real world issues and context to examples and projects.
- E.g. Not compute the average of a list, but find the average water height in a reservoir in different years.
- Facilitate dissemination and adoption of existing materials through:
- Collection of existing materials.
- Collection of existing practices.
- E.g. Team teaching, interdisciplinary courses.
- Workshops, support groups, peer mentors, ambassadors.
- Panels
Who should be engaged in this work:
- Important to build support with institutional administration
- Secure backing and reassurance for “risky” curricular initiatives.
- They may not work.
- They may not be popular resulting in not great student evals, which presents a particular risk for more junior faculty.
- Lower barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration.
- For example teaching credit assignments that encourage interdisciplinary, team teaching, guest lectures, etc.