Innovations and Opportunities

SIGCSE 2021 Pre-Symposium Event by the SIGCSE Committee on Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges

Innovations and Opportunities
in Liberal Arts Computing Education

This is a SIGCSE 2021 affiliated event organized by members of the SIGCSE Committee on Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges.

This event builds on priorities identified at our SIGCSE 2020 Pre-Symposium event, and the program committee invites submissions for the following sessions:

We also welcome those that would like to attend and participate in this event, but do not have a submission for one of the above sessions.

All attendees, whether making a submission or not, will also need to formally register for the event through the SIGCSE Technical Symposium registration system. Apart from the required SIGCSE TS registration there will be no additional cost to participants for this event. More information about registration will be posted when the SIGCSE TS registration system becomes available.

All submissions will be lightly screened by the program committee for suitability. All suitable submissions will be made available to the community through this site and all authors of accepted submissions will receive an invitation to participate in the synchronous event and to optionally submit a video presentation. In addition, the program committee will extend invitations to the authors of select submissions to participate in a panel discussion that will begin each synchronous session.

A template for submission or description of requested information is provided for each session, as well as a contact for questions or email submissions. All submissions may be made through email or GitHub pull request following the process described in the section below. Submissions to multiple sessions are welcome.

We anticipate being able to invite everyone who expresses interest. However, in the unlikely event that our (virtual) venue cannot accommodate everyone, attendees will be selected giving first priority to those contributing to one of the three sessions and then reviewing attendance applications to achieve representation from a broad range of institutions. All interested faculty and students are welcome.

Important Dates:

Call for Participation:

The program committee invites three types of submissions for the pre-symposium event. Participants are welcome to make multiple submissions.

  1. Curricular Model Submissions:​ A brief (approximately 2-page) description of the curricular model of your liberal arts computing program.

    Please see the Curriculum Submission Templates below and the samples (Dickinson College, Whitman College). Submissions describing models that are particularly innovative, or that leverage particular opportunities and/or challenges presented by the liberal arts context, and/or show potential for broadening participation in computing are encouraged.

    Given the COVID-19 disruption of our 2020 event, the committee welcomes updated resubmissions of curricular innovations from the 2020 event.

  2. CS+X Course Submissions: A brief (2-page) description of a CS+X course (or courses), along with additional information, as described in the submission template.

    Faculty members with experience teaching a CS+X course are invited to submit their applications to present their course and participate in Q&A sessions and small group discussions. Submissions describing models that are particularly innovative or effective at balancing the contributions and perspective of both computer science and the other discipline are encouraged. Potential areas of focus include learning outcomes, collaboration challenges, target populations, challenges for faculty teaching the courses, decision variables that guide the course content or structure, or constraints on the courses (institutional, departmental, or otherwise).

  3. Recruiting Submissions:

    Provide a very brief (1-page) position statement regarding mentoring, recruiting, and hiring for Liberal Arts CS positions. The first paragraph should be a short career biography; subsequent paragraphs should discuss your ideas for, or potential contributions to, community efforts such as a workshop or mentoring program.

Submission Process:

Submissions may be made in one of two ways:

Post Event Reports

The Program Committee intends to collaborate with interested authors from each session to write event reports. These reports will be posted to this repository and may also be submitted to a peer reviewed venue for publication (e.g. SIGCSE Bulletin).

Tentative Event Agenda

The event will run for two half days in the week prior to the SIGCSE TS. Dates and times will be announced as soon as they are finalized with the SIGCSE TS Committee.


Program Committee

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